With all his dreadlocks gone, we were able to better see his body language. It doesn't take a dog whisperer to know that he was terrified of people. Poor guy :-(
Below is a pic while we very sweetly and gently call for him to come to us.

Which he finally did.

Of course he still spent his days watching fish tanks and TV.

For a while we had to cover my tank stand, but he has now been trained to not jump up and scratch the wood. He is eager to please once he figures out what you want.
As the weeks passed he became more and more comfortable with us and began to trust us and really became part of our pack.

One thing to note... Travis does not play! We have tried to get him interested in toys and Obi has tried to get him interested in dog play but he won't do it.
He is truly adorable and a love..Will you be keeping him? I can certainly understand that he doesn't trust people. Poor little guy --He is a love...I am looking for a dear friend for my 6 year old rescue schnauzer..I got him from AZ Schnauzer Rescue (Gail)6 years ago this month.. You guys are the best...HUGS from Mickey Mouse and me..
ReplyDeleteHi Patty, thanks for following my blog! (I'm glad someone does hehe)
ReplyDeleteTravis is so awesome, I would love to keep him. I really would... but we have promised ourselves not to adopt so we can continue fostering and helping dogs in need.
As far as adoption status, that is my wife's department and I have no clue. Let me find out from her what is going on. I think we have been dragging our feet on Travis because we love having him here.
Just a note... it has been another month or so and I am happy to report that Travis does indeed play! He chases his tail, runs and romps, plays with the other dogs and is a carefree playful guy! Talk about a rewarding outcome!!