Travis returned from the vet all neutered up and shaved down. Wow he looked different! We really love his coloring.

With all his dreadlocks gone, we were able to better see his body language. It doesn't take a dog whisperer to know that he was terrified of people. Poor guy :-(
Below is a pic while we very sweetly and gently call for him to come to us.

Which he finally did.

He quickly became attached to our middle daughter and he would follow her around when ever possible, and when not possible he would find a spot with as much of her smell as possible.

Of course he still spent his days watching fish tanks and TV.

For a while we had to cover my tank stand, but he has now been trained to not jump up and scratch the wood. He is eager to please once he figures out what you want.
As the weeks passed he became more and more comfortable with us and began to trust us and really became part of our pack.

Even Obi accepted him as a full member of the pack!

Our whole family has fully fallen in love with Travis. He is pure teddy bear and loves to sit with you and get all the love he can. It has been a real
privilege to help this schnauzer learn to trust and love people. In return he has given just as much back to us.
One thing to note... Travis does not play! We have tried to get him interested in toys and Obi has tried to get him interested in dog play but he won't do it.