Due to some needed shuffling between foster homes, we were lucky enough to get Millie back after her spaying. The operation was hard on her and she ended up having to go back and stay at the vets for 3 days. After that it took some time for her to act more like herself, but her limping seemed to be getting worse. We took her back to the vet and she tested positive for valley fever! Poor girl. She is now on medication and has been moved to a new foster home, who plans to adopt her once the valley fever treatment is complete.
We really loved Millie. She would follow me everywhere, and I do mean everywhere:
Yes Master? |
Yes Master? |
Yes Master? |
Yes Master? |
My youngest daughter said "When I give Millie love, it feels like she is giving her love back to me".
We also made a great discovery with Millie for schnauzers that have never learned how to play with toys. She had no interest in dog toys that require a bite to make them squeak, but we found a cat toy that taught her how to play. It is a little mouse and it will squeak if bumped or moved. That squeak brings out the terrier and Millie loved to play with it.
Millie is tiny by the way, here she is in scale with the rest of the pack.
The night before Millie moved to the new foster home, we picked up our next rescue schnauzer. A handsome little guy named "Bob".