Time passed and he began to relax and integrate into our home. But never completely relaxed...
The good news is that Obi really liked him and this was the first foster dog that Obi would play with.
Why Ninja? If that front door opened just 1/2 an inch... *poof* he was GONE! He could slip out that door and RUN. By the time I was out the door he was already rounding the corner down the block. This dog could run and had so much energy to do it. Just to burn off his energy, my wife would put on roller-blades and he would pull her around the neighborhood at full sprint!
Below he is shown "cleaned up" but still scared of the camera. Terrified actually.
Ninja stayed with us for months and we worked hard to help him recover from his abuse, but we were never able to get him to the state of "adoptable". He was eventually moved to a calmer foster home without children, where he made better progress.
We later heard that this little guy took on a coyote who had jumped the fence into the yard to steal dog food. It earned him several stitches... but dang... GO NINJA!

Please treat your dogs with kindness.